Woodford Glen Club Contacts
Get in touch with us for info and advice

Main Contacts Name Phone Email
Race Meeting Updates Infoline 03 327 6117
Club Promoter Steve Lennon 027 364 8833
Woodford Glen Shop 03 385 1515
Woodford Glen Secretary Kirsten Chapman 027 543 7137
Club Photographers Name Phone Email
Track Photos Trevor Palmer 03 348 1059
Board Members Name Phone Email
President Ivan McPhail 021 338 424
Vice President Shane Anderton 027 724 6846
Board Members Phone
DJared Tointin 021 294 0876
Matt Petersen 027 242 5825
Craig Mead 027 253 6634
Hayden McKay 021 423 443
Glen Marsden 027 303 0554
Administration Name Phone Email
Treasurer Anne-Marie Wright 021 134 5284
Secretary Kirsten Champan 027 543 7137
Social Coordinator Tracey Andrew 027 840 1439
Management Commitee Name Phone
Super Saloon Representative Diane Moore 022 618 8574
Saloon Representative Kerry Tabley 021 111 60193
Production Saloon Representative Nik Fraser 027 217 0880
Modified Representative Angela McLean 021 222 6004
SuperStock Representative Darren Forbes 021 288 2473
Stockcar Representative Cole Anderson 027 915 9131
Streetstock Representative Emma Jones 027 515 5782
Adult Ministock Representative Chelsea Milne 027 530 7066
Youth Ministock Representative Kate Brooks 027 327 4798
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